ISO TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics Committee site

ISO/TC 211 Multi-Lingual Glossary of Terms (MLGT)


Translated terms now indicate origin information

August 13, 2019

With the latest update of the online version of ISO/TC 211 MLGT, we are happy to announce that origin information is now provided for every translated term.

The MLGT contains multiple registers (each in accordance with ISO 19135), counting one per language.

As all terminology entries in the online version of ISO/TC 211 MLGT are imported directly from the MLGT, we are now also able to import the metadata of the individual registers from within the MLGT.

All registers included in the online version of ISO/TC 211 MLGT are shown on the Registers page

On an individual concept page, under each term, you will now see a row labeled "ORIGIN" displaying the origin information. The "ORIGIN" row contains the name of the register the term was sourced from, and provides a link to examine more information about each register.

Specific contact information of the custodial organizations is not provided as we encourage you to use our Feedback link to provide your comments.

We look forward hearing from you on how the online version of ISO/TC 211 MLGT can better serve your needs!